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Summit year
Strengths and struggles logo
Group 872
Enjoy the conference!

The 2023 conference is now closed
Sessions continue to be available through the All-Access Pass and in our Membership Community.  

Our desire is to empower you to start and sustain 
your homeschool journey with confidence,
by building on the strengths in you and your child
while navigating the struggles of life and learning.

Artwork 106

summit intro

Our mission

Meet our speakers

featured in

Homeschooling Today
Great Homeschool Conventions
Seasons Counseling


BUILD CONFIDENCE in the strengths and abilities of both you and your child.

Colleen Kessler

Author of Raising Resilient Sons,
gifted & twice-exceptional specialist,
podcast host, and founder
of Raising Lifelong Learners

Durenda Wilson

Author of The 4-Hour School Day and
Unhurried Homeschool,
podcast host and speaker.

Holly Giles

Author of Motherhood on the Line,
founder of The Giles Frontier


GAIN CLARITY for starting and sustaining the homeschool journey.

Cheryl Bastian

Author, speaker, magazine columnist,
homeschool evaluator, and
founder of Celebrate Simple

Mary Wilson

Writer, online teacher, and
founder of Celebrate a Book

Heather Woodie

Specialist in neurodivergent teens and
out of the box kids, curriculum developer,
writer, and founder of Blog She Wrote

Mental health

FIND CALM while navigating the struggles of life and learning.

Dan Marcone

Dan Marcone

Licensed mental health counselor (LMHC), and founder of Season’s Counseling

Maureen Spell

Certified life coach and
founder of Mompreneur Lab

Dr. Melanie Wilson

Christian psychologist, podcast host and
author of The Organized Homeschool Life

Real Homeschoolers Just like you

HAVE COURAGE to cultivate a homeschool that works for your unique family.

Sarah Margheim

Raising twins and parenting grown kids.

Renee Hayes

Building sibling relationships.

Sheila Sepulveda

Navigating learning challenges while being a working mom.

Chris & Christie Winkler

Following the Charlotte Mason style.

Jaime Alderman

Following the Classical style.

Angie Shanks

Following an Unschooling style... while RV schooling!

Jen Kennedy

Navigating learning challenges.

Krystal King

Navigating being a single working mom.

Lucee Price

Following an interest-led approach.

Path 971

The encouragement, insight, speakers and resources
help me understand both myself and my children,
how we are wired, and how we can connect more effectively.

Path 970

All-Access Pass

Want access to the videos after the conference?

Get lifetime access to the full conference resources plus additional bonuses for just $97!

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conference schedule

The 2023 conference is now closed.  Sessions continue to be available through the All-Access Pass and in our Membership Community.  

Group 1378

Focus On


BUILD CONFIDENCE in the strengths and abilities of both you and your child.


Colleen will share with us the key aspects of what emotional intelligence is, why it is so essential and how to cultivate in your home learning for each stage of development. 

Durenda will share insights, strategies, and tips on how school can revolve around home life and not home life around school. balancing mom & teacher hat, learning as a family and enjoying our kids. 

Holly will share her journey in raising two boys who are out of the box, non-traditional learners. By following their passions and interests, she has been able to keep the light of learning in their eyes while they developed their strengths through purpose.

Real-life Homeschoolers just like you
Group 1375

Focus On


GAIN CLARITY for starting and sustaining the homeschool journey.


Cheryl will share with us why curiosity is important and how it helps our kids developmentally, practical ways we as parents can cultivate it and make space for it in our days and how fostering it in the early years prepares them for the middle and high school years. why curiosity

Mary will share with us some key things to keep in mind as we are transitioning into the middle school years; how our homeschool might start to look different and that it’s okay to grieve while also celebrating the next season! 

Heather will share a framework for mapping out the high school years as well as some out of the box ideas for those high school credits that can be tailored to your child’s strengths and interests. 

Real-life Homeschoolers just like you
Group 1376

Focus On

Mental Health

FIND CALM while navigating the struggles of life and learning.


Dan will teach parents how to reduce their own anxiety; how to identify their child’s anxiety triggers and recognize them as needs not just behaviors; how to walk alongside a child through anxieties or stressful seasons; and how to nurture a child’s ability to regulate his or her emotions. This masterclass will give parents tools they can use to take their next practical steps toward connection with their children and the reduction of anxiety in the home.

Maureen believes that thriving in our homeschool without the mom-guilt, stress and burn-out is possible! In this masterclass, Maureen will show us how we are able to fully step into this new way of showing up as she walks us through changing our operating patterns through key mindset shifts and decision-making filters to help us gain clarity around our choices and identify priorities. She uses science and scripture to help tackle the solutions to grow a healthy home.
Melanie will share strategies in getting organized, how having a plan reduces anxiety and why it’s important that we as moms take time to do things that are life giving
  1. Getting Organized
  2. Having a Plan
  3. Enjoying Life
Real-life Homeschoolers just like you

Get the all-access pass!

Essential Wisdom for Stressed-Out Parents

If you are having power struggles with your kids, these words of wisdom are for you!